Sunday, May 15, 2011

So much to do...So much time?

Spring semester has officially gone and with it went a busier lifestyle. I'd like to work more over the summer than I do during the school year because who doesn't love money? However, as of now, I've only secured one more shift. So work won't be occupying all my time.

My girlfriend is moving back to Connecticut for the summer before we move in together for school. This is very sad and unfortunate and means I'll have tons of time that needs filling. So how will I fill it?

Warmachine! I haven't played in months. I don't think I'm alone in drifting in and out of my hobbies from time to time. I don't abandon them or anything, they just kind of fall into the background. I haven't painted in a while and I'm dying to get back into it. Tomorrow's Monday so I'm going to reinstate mans painting and invite the gentlemen over for some good old fashion painting.

Things I'll be working on:
  • Finishing up my Bane Thralls. Where was I...? I think I had them primed, had all the metal work fact I think they're ALMOST done and just need highlights, shadows, and some glowing effects. I could be wrong though, time will tell.
  • My Seether. I love this model, for it's rules and the model itself. My friends hate it. I used a torch to heat up the pewter on mine and bend the legs into this crazy leaping pose. Right now he's on the base but unprimed, unpainted, and the base is empty. I plan to have it look like he's jumping off of a rock or a wrecked warjack. Probably a rock because rocks are cheap.... 
  • Deathjack. Sweet, sweet Deathjack. I'm at this point in painting a model that I truly dread. You know when you finally get into motion and start getting shit done...then you got shit done...but not fully done? When you paint a model to the point where it looks good and culd pass for finished even though it's not? That's where I am with Deathjack. There is still much work to be done. And I will do it. I plan on stuffing Victoria Haley under his raised foot there. Why? Because I'm a Cryx player, that's why. I already bought Haley, it's happening. 
  • Lich Lord Terminus. I got this beast for Christmas and so far he's not even fully built. Sad for such an awesome model. Although apparently a lot of people don't like it? Poppycock. Sure, it could be better. It'd be awesome if he looked a little more like the illustration in the Cryx Book, but I'm not complaining. Maybe that's what I should do conversion wise....
  • Working on my new blog. Do you like Japan? Have you tried learning Japanese and failed? Maybe just interested in the culture? Check out my new blog, Learn日本. I'll be spending a lot of time on this and right now the content is slim, but I'm adding more and more every day so keep checking if it interests you!
There's plenty of other things to do as well. I've got many more models that need some loving. Slaughterborne should probabaly go up on my list since he's so fun to use. I'll keep this blog updated with all of my most recent progress.

I also plan on playing a few games soon, so maybe a battle report or two? We'll see.

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