Sunday, June 12, 2011

First League Games

So I went to the LGS yesterday to look for some games for the slow-grow league and was mobbed at the door. Clearly I'm popular. I ended up playing a Siege Brisbaine list that I hated the shit out of. It was 100% cheesefest runaway runaway bullshit, and this is coming from someone playing Epic Asphyxious. I nearly killed Siege on my feat turn but could only fit 2 models into b2b with him and was short on my 1 damage roll by 2. Next turn I got shot up and died. Oh well. I think I'm going to avoid that player for a little while.

Next I played two games against a new Khador player. I felt awful because my list directly screwed over his in every way possible and I was locked into it due to the nature of the league. He was using the Khador box and a unit of Widowmakers, while I had eAsphyxious(too far away to shoot), Bane Thralls (stealth and tough), Deathjack(plink plink), and Gorman(also stealth). Not to mention I could block LOS with Asphyxious' clouds so the Widowmakers didn't have much to do.

The first game was awful and I'm a jerk. I went first and ran DJ up. On his turn he cast Boundless Charge on the Juggernaut and tried to charge me but fell short by about 3 inches. He also had moved Sorscha up to cast a razorwind at DJ. Next turn I picked up the Juggernaut and threw it at Sorscha, then blew her up with a boosted Excarnate via necromancy on the Deathjack.

 I felt bad for doing it but he was a really good sport and we played a second game that lasted much much longer. He actually ALMOST hit Asphyxious with a boosted pow 14 from the destroyer but missed his roll by one. The funny thing is it should have deviated on to gorman and probably killed him, but I forgot to activate him last turn and he was off in the middle of nowhere. I'm looking forward to playing against him more throughout the league and help him learn some of the threat ranges and whatnot that Cryx brings to the table.

Now, I'm off to pick up Keith and go play another game.

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